Leader in Forensic Toxicology on Site

Mobile Laboratory

Our protocol provides that the operational confirmation analyzes with tools necessary on the road, with an instrument capable of providing the final result in minutes and a very small amount of saliva (about 200ul), in a completely self-sufficient mobile laboratory and with doctors and analysts .

From this arises the collaboration between Forensic Lab Service and SCIEX, suppliers of the tool for confirmation analyzes.



Forensic Lab Service uses and markets products for support activities of the Public Safety forces.

These are used to detect: cannabis, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, opiates, benzodiazepines and ketamine using minimal saliva samples.
The reading of the results from the device is qualitative: “positive” or “negative” and is used as a preliminary or screening test.
In particular, positive results must be confirmed by methods such as: LC / MS, GC / MS.


WipeAlyser is used to analyze document, print and store DrugWipe S screening tests

DrugWipe S

DrugWipe S is a single-use rapid test and is used to detect traces of drugs in saliva